I do not seek love or attention

A hand to hold or affection

I operate through love of self

Those who cannot audaciously love themselves call it selfish

I call it knowing who I am and what I deserve

The universe in turn sends angels my way

To make sure I live up to my word

And I do, and I will

Silence the heart and activate the crown

To balance the “think” and the “feel”

Royalty is back in town

The shift has been a long time coming around

With ease I nod to my ancestors for the signs that abound


I burned the pettiness I felt and replaced it with fluid gratefulness

In doing so I stepped into my rock solid divinity

Cleansed the chakras to see the air bring the rise of Kundalini 

I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure

I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life

I am positively empowered and successful in all my venture

Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally

My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly

I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations

I am complete and one with the divine energy

Pro Tip: Each one of these affirmations is directly related to our chakras. When I am cleansing my chakras, I like to start from the root and work my way up (which is why I started with the root chakra affirmation at the top!)  Become familiar with the colors of the chakras and their location in the body. Once you feel comfortable envisioning them, you can visualize them being cleansed as you repeat these affirmations in meditation. This is a great exercise to do when you feel weighed down or in the dumps. Sometimes we just need to get the energy flowing again. 





We live in a world that has become void of any type of education regarding spiritual, psychological, or emotional warfare. The majority of people walk around slaves to their mental conditioning, their trauma, and their hyper active emotions. They become reactive to the world and those around them and their energy is siphoned. These same people are the ones questioning why they never have energy or the focus required to create the world they desire. They fall prey to a vicious cycle of:

  1. Willingly giving away their energy to things like emotions and derailed thoughts.
  2. Getting upset and lost in those emotions and thoughts.
  3. More emotion means more energy being directed behind the negative thoughts/ emotions.
  4. This cycle leaves people drained, depressed, and even MORE PRONE to similar attacks

Now, with that being said, it is not all in your head. This world has been designed to keep us energy-less and stuck in these cycles. Whether you believe in conspiracies or not, a simple look at this world and you will begin to see that there are aspects of it that seem to only produce one outcome; sheep who will follow the crowd and not question any of the things going on around them on a global level, even if this means living a life you are miserable living.


From a very young age we are taught to ignore our intuition, the soul’s compass, and instead to become better “listeners”. This process occurs at youth, where we are most susceptible because of our vulnerability. This is why childhood trauma can become so pervasive if it is not checked in adulthood; We literally build our entire “story” around what happened to us at youth.

It is our job then, as self aware individuals, to arm ourselves with defenses to combat the constant barrage of warfare being waged against our souls. There are certain steps we need to take in order to be in a position where we can rise above the cycles we often find ourselves in.

The first thing we must recognize is that our minds have often been programmed to be our prison guards. The only way to combat this is by recognizing this fact. Once you do this, you begin to question everything (exactly what they taught you as a child not to do). Why am I having this thought? Why am I feeling this way? Is it really because I feel hurt or is this triggering memories from a similar situation in the past and that is why I feel it so intensely. When you begin to do this you will begin to do several things:

  1. You will begin to unravel the layers of conditioning that cause you to act without contemplation and often lead to issues in life and relationships.
  2. You take back your power away from situations because instead of tossing your emotional energy at it you know give yourself the option of feeding into it or deflecting it.
  3. You begin to get to know your TRUE self. When we are conditioned to act, oftentimes we are exhibiting traits and behaviors that do not belong to us. When we begin to peel back the layers, our true self and soul are given the stage to act with intent and intuition rather than simply reacting. We also begin to understand ourselves more deeply.

This conditioning shows up in so many ways that some times it is an overwhelming task to deal with it all at once. Often times people undergo moments where their whole perception is torn down and they take leaps forward in this aspect. Some of you may know these as “dark nights of the soul”. These moments are often brought about by situations that were triggered by old conditioning patterns. These patterns became so troublesome that it created too much dissonance within and you recognized a need for a new perspective. You do not need to have a dark night of the soul in order to shed layers of conditioning, you need simply to be aware of your actions and intentions beneath the actions.

The second action we can take to clear our minds of the webs of conditioning is MEDITATION. For those who follow my poems on here, you know that many of the personal breakthroughs I have had myself have come from meditation sessions. This art has been around for thousands of years for a reason, it works. It clears  our mind and differentiates our true selves from the machine/animal mind. We begin to understand that there is a differentiation between the thinker and the observer, and that oftentimes we think they are both one and the same.

By quieting the minds chatter through meditation, we begin to be aware of our intuitive pull towards what our soul requires for us to be aligned. The warfare against us is only meant to pull us away from our soul’s alignment. It seeks to remove us as far away from our true self as possible. This is why they try to fill our time with work and mindless television. They understand that by keeping us busy from contemplation and meditation, they are turning us into passionless and soulless zombies.

So go ahead and try these two methods – Mindfulness and Meditation – This is part one of a 3 part post regarding the subject of Spiritual Warfare. Any questions and feedback please feel free!


Do not let others phase you

Stay in your power

Only immature and lost souls

Cowards of spirit, body, and mind

Aim to bring others’ vibes down

They cannot stand someone

Living wholly

In the same waters

That cause them daily to drown

You have a choice

Be an effect of others

Or a cause to them

Stand up straight king

Straighten out your crown


Inebriated with thoughts of my potential

The energy has overflowed today

Everyone can sense it

Am I getting nearer

I feel the heat closer

Its time to ignite the flame



Humble me and remind me that I belong on this earthly realm.


Allow me to create and express my sexual energy efficiently.

Solar plexus!

Let my wisdom act as my shield and sword


Give me the warmth, to love myself and those who need it.


Give me the ability to speak my truth.

Third Eye!

Give light to my intuition and let me see past the veil.


Allow me to connect with all, including those in the greater realms.



Do not let them tell you evil is not real

Do not let them trick you

Demons do not lie, they twist the truth

Let your intuition discern

Only you know your power

Ignore the sheep as they sleep


Protect yourself

Before you leave the house

Have a spiritual ritual

That you enact everyday

This is not a game

There is a war for your soul

Happening all around you

You’re either a warrior

Or the feast

Pick your fate

It’s always that deep


The spells are getting powerful

And faster in their delivery

I can feel the energy once again

She tells me to let it simmer

Guided me through the exchange

Her energy is assertive

I can feel her power a room away

A sage and enchantress

She wolf

We both howl at the moon

PSA: Sex

People out here sleeping with anyone

Not understanding the energy merge

Or the effect on mental health

Pick your partners carefully

Discern what kind of energy you welcome

Even snakes have beautiful scales