meditations XII:XXVI

The way things align I saw them coming a mile away

It is incredible the perception we get when we can stay grounded

To stop emotion from moving us, but rather alert us of the climate of things

A deep peace and clarity exists in me


Growing in perspective

Diving deep into the darkness I once used to be controlled by

To see these things in others

To heal

To help

To nurture

My calling is simple

I am both a beacon of shining light and a blazing fire all at once

And I appear to each differently

Some need me as the scorching fire others as the beam that shines bright

Whatever it is if it helps then it’s alright

Don’t be mistaken;

Self love was the reason I got back into my might


Can you hear my heart beating across the dimensions of time

It sings a silent song to most, but is a war drum beating on for those who can hear its rhyme

I am a warrior who arrived here upon the will of the undying divine

That seeks only the resolution and balance of itself in every form and kind

Look into my eyes

Feel my soul’s embrace

A fair warning

My shadow might rear its ugly face

But if you survive the fears I raise

Meet me at the mountain top, if that’s the case

I will forever caress and praise

Guard your every tear and help you make it out the maze

I want to make it clear

Our life will not be easy, but fulfilling

It will be, my dear



F*ck the expectations

Of what a man or woman should be

When you connect to someone’s soul

All of those things fall to irrelevance

You see their essence

Performing on this stage we call life

And you can’t help but appreciate everything

Their darkness and their light


How much do you put on the scale

To make it balance with love?

Do you put just your pride?

Do you put just your feelings?

What others say about you?

Just your memories?

How much is love worth to you?


Every day

I grow less emotionally attached to this world

And more spiritually connected

I must be wary of becoming so numb

That I let life pass me by

Although I am a soul

I must remember

That I am in human form


I was sharpened into the form I hold

Growing up

I didn’t have a warrior’s bone in my body

It was adversity

Its blind shots and sucker punches

That made me this way

And now even the alphas know

Never to step to a Sigma

Unless there is a price

They are willing to pay


As a child I was always told I wouldn’t be enough

As an adult I came back at that response with too much

As a soul I must find balance

The source of all my pain

Is a disequilibrium

In the mundane


I am no longer a slave

To that flawed perception of yours

I am no longer a slave

To the ideas you hold of me

I met a soul

Who recognizes the infinite within me

And has taught me to own

Who I was

Who I am

And is willing to stand by my side

As I chisel out of the mountain I am

Every jewel and every precious metal

Spiritual Gangsters

I came here guns blazing

Spiritual Gangster

There’s no playing

You can pretend

But you can’t put it past

My third eyes woke

I see through y’all masks

I can be zen

Or I can be hell

Depending on how sweetly

You treat yourself

A lesson to some

A blessing with time

Ya’ll never find a storm

Quite as perfect as mine